Well it's been a while, and lots and lots of things have happened, but in summary:
Good news: I got a 2:1 (yay!)
Bad news: I didn't get my Mphil :( But I found that out a while ago so I'm used to that idea now, though it was quite gutting at first.
Main bad thing is that for some reason I feel like my self-esteem has taken a few knocks lately. I feel like I'm hypersensitive, the smallest comments are affecting me. Someone asked me how I was feeling the other day and the first thing that came to my mind was alone (clearly didn't say this outloud though!). I don't like myself like this, and I'm going to change it...I have plenty of people here for me, but I feel like there's something missing, someone. I miss hanging out with a person that catches your eye accross the room when a joke is made, that notices that you're not there when you leave. Obviously I have friends, good friends, and it's not like this never happens...but I guess the people I used to have this with also have other people that they do this with now ie boyfriends/girlfriends.
Jeez, I'm just whining. There is so much good stuff in my life and I'm a lot luckier than the majority of people - I don't really have much to complain about.
I just want that intimate connection with someone. I just need to make sure I look for it with someone that wants it with me too.