Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Why were so many of my friends born within the same few weeks! In my family there were 3 birthdays in October, 3 more from my uni friends and Hannah's 1st week of november! Tis fun cos means lots of parties and celebrating malarky, but sooo many people to buy presents for!

But actually, seriously, I was thinking today in my lecture....all my problems are actually fairly trivial. We were being shown pictures of these kids who were starving and had protein deficiencies and things. I'm lucky enough to be able to dwell on the less important things because I've got the basic necessary things for living. I've got clothes, a place to live, enough money, a decent education, great friends and importantly, my health.

Such a cliche I know (hopefully didn't make you vom too much!) , but it really does help to remind myself of that when I'm upset sometimes.

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