Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Once upon a time there was a 19yr old girl, who had met up with one of her friends for a drink. Being a very good girl, I had..oops i mean, she, had only one drink (even if it was due to financial circumstances) and so was completely in her much so that she remebered to look both ways before crossing the road on her way to the train station to get home. Unfortunately however, it was this very act of looking both ways that was to be her downfall (quite literally). She turned her head to the left, then to the right...simeltaneously stepping off the curb......right into a pot hole where she then fell over, grazed her knee and fractured her foot.(her friend then heroically dragged her off the middle of the road to stop her getting run over!)
She managed to hobble to the train station, grab a lift at the other end.....then was transported to her father's hospital the next morning....where she was x-rayed and given an oh so attractive foot brace thing to wear...looks im wearing one skiing boot!

Am now in rather a lot of pain...but im sure painkillers will sort that out.....also looks like ghana might have to be postponed :-(

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