Someone once asked me, "What is the point of art nowadays? In the old days it was to record events pictographically, but now we have cameras so why bother?"
I thought about this for a moment, and at the time just came up with the standard answer of "its another form of expressing yourself i guess, like music and writing".
It wasn't until recently however that i realised how much i needed music and art. When playing an instrument, it allows you to think of nothing else but what you're playing.....for a short amount of time you are completely enveloped in another plane, but you still put all your emotions into the music, with what i'm playing and how im playing it often representing how i'm feeling. The same thing goes for art. I can lose all sense of time and be completely focused on what i'm painting or drawing. It allows me a respite from thinking while still being able to feel, and as with music, my emotions can come out in the style and content of what I have drawn.
Its usually to one of these 2 things that i turn to when feeling something that i either dont know how to or can't express through words. For me they're like a temporary escape pod from which i can choose to return from at anytime, as there's only room for one. So I suppose what I'm really saying, is that these 2 forms of art give me the chance to escape mentally whenever i want, from a world that I can't always escape from physically.
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