Saturday, July 09, 2005

My aunty and uncle are here from india at the moment. As I said in my last post, it's really good to see them again. My aunty and I were just chatting the other day, and she was telling me all about when my great grandma died. How my grandad reacted, what his sisters said, what mataji had wanted. I wanted to know all this stuff because my dad didn't really want to talk about it and so I didn't get to know about all the little things that happened. At the same time though it was hard to listen too, because it reminded me that I wasn't there, that I hadn't seen her for almost 2 years before she died.
My aunty also said that she didn't think my grandma had much time left, and that she was deterioating a lot. I hope she holds out until December. I want to see her at least once, need too. It's hard to imagine her not being around; at least my great grandma and grandad were in their 90' wasn't so unexpected, but I'm so much closer to her.

Anyway, I don't want to think about it too much. On a lighter note, my cousin is graduating next week which is great for him, and means we get a little trip down to exter. Also, I went swimming the other day...was so nice, I don't know why but I find it so relaxing. Also considering taking up yoga or meditation again. Yoga would probably be better, but it's finding the time. I guess I could just make time though... :)

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