Friday, October 20, 2006

-Why does being very tired and being drunk seem to have the same effect on me? I come out with random nonsense via whatever method is available to me at the time. Actual conversation, msn, texting...blogging....

-It's amazing how a child you are barely related to can bring out a maternal instinct. We had a 5 year old girl with us over the weekend, and somehow my maternal instinct just kicked in when I was responsible for her. She viewed me as an adult that she could rely on, and so I became one. She automatically held my hand when we crossed the road, she listened when I told her to say thank you to someone or not to do something (some of the time!), and the whole time we were out, I wanted to make sure she was safe and having fun. Now anthropologists would tell me this is becuase we are related, i'm sure...but she's my 2nd cousin once removed or something - not exactly a close relation!
I don't want kids just now, I'd rather be at least in my mid 20s...but I got a glimpse of what people must feel like when they have their own children, and I liked it :)

-I tried a casual dress on yesterday in size 8 by mistake...and everything but my breasts fitted into it! My word, if *I* am a size 8, what on earth do the people half my size wear?! This just confirmed for me my suspicion that sizes have been getting bigger - a size 10 now is much bigger than a size 10 5 years ago....a reflection of our ever growing society maybe?

Also on a related day, *one day* someone will invent tops that are normal dress sizes, but have varying cup sizes in, so that us disproportionate girls can wear nicely fitting clothes!

Maybe I should invent one? hmm.

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