Monday, January 14, 2008

I went for a run yesterday. It was so liberating, running with the wind, the rain cooling me down and the ground glistening all around me. I felt really alive, and despite the fact that I was running on roads, I really felt part of nature. I was running and thinking how amazing it is, that if there is no god (which I highly suspect there isn't) then that means that we really *are* part of the earth. That we are just as natural as soil and plants and tigers and bacteria.

Then while I was having all these thoughts, a car pulled out carelessly from a driveway and almost hit me. I mean so close that if I hadn't leapt out in the same direction he was going, his bonnet would have gone through my legs (I actually had to leap out of the way 3 times because although he braked, obviously the car didn't stop immediately). It was terrifying. The guy had just driven out as fast as he pleased, despite the fact that he was coming from a place lower down than the pavement, the pavement was obscured by a shrub *and* it was dark. What an idiot.

Anyway, I got over the shock and ran on home, but it was almost funny that, just as I was thinking about how amazing humans are as an evolved creature, death - that other thing so part of life - literally almost ploughed right through me!

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