Martial arts, politics and periods - 3 things to report today, aren't you lucky!
1. I went to karate for the first time in 3 months on Tuesday, and really enjoyed it...though I forgot just how evil karate instructors can be! I was a bit rusty, but not too bad considering I hadn't practiced at all in the time inbetween. BUT, my word does it hurt now!!! Somehow,the next day, my body didn't seem to mind the aerobic or musclar exercise I'd done , but it sure didn't like the stretching! My hamstings feel like someone has snipped them in half and sewed them back together with a bit missing. Oh well, pain is good for you everynow and again...makes me appreciate my body much more when it's behaving!
2. Been watching the labour party conference off and on (maybe i'm slighlty more interested as it's happening in Manchester!). Caught some of Gordon Brown's speech and have seen Tony Blair and Bill Clinton talk. Now, I'm not a massive labour supporter, in that I have been know to vote-Lib. Dem (though I am definitely left-wing). Watching Bill Clinton and Tony Blair talk was actually really inspiring, it suprised me. Normally I listen to politicians talk, and after 5-10mins I start to get bored..but I listened to both of their speeches in full, and they actually had me interested - they seemed to be talking sense...something which I don't often feel when I listen to politicians!! I could see how passionate they were about what they did, and they seemed to genuinely care about helping people in Africa and climate change. I know people who would think me naive for saying that, but it's what I felt. Man, I must be maturing - I'm posting about politicians! Anyway, I might see if I can dig up other inspiring speeches on the net when I have time...I know it's geeky, but it was fascinating listening to what people of that experience and intelligence had to say, what they think of the world.
3. Finally - why do I have to be such a slave to my body?! Every month, for a week or so before my period...I constantly have a craving to eat, but it's not hunger or a need...I just want it. This doesn't sound particularly awful, but sometimes the craving is so strong it's distracting. It's pathetic I know! I think this bothers me more because I struggle with my weight anyway. I can deal with being extra emotional for a bit, getting the odd spot or 2 for a few days...but that really bothers me. The funny thing soon as I actually get my period, all I feel is sick and I don't want to eat at all! The female body is a strange thing at times.
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