Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Right, I've been moaning a lot lately, and quite frankly, I'm starting to get bored at the mere thought of someone else having to read/listen to my rants!

I woke up in such a good mood today, for no apparent reason. Just been reading through the news and there are so many fantastic and tragic things out there. So what if things aren't great at the moment? I know that it won't stay that way forever, and even the problems I have that probably aren't going away soon, aren't particularly new - why should I let them get to me now?

Jeez, they cured two men of cancer last week; Steve Irwin died (RIP); they can drill ice to find out CO2 levels from 800 000 years ago....it's an amazing thought that there are even things anywhere near that old on earth; the government is trying to get rid of our Prime Minister; that whale that got stuck in the Thames had arthritis.... and there is a man-made machine sitting on the moon right now!!

And that is a mere snapshot....there are so many things happening, my problems are almost insignificant in comparison. I suppose some people would find this depressing...but it just makes me realise that there are much more serious and fantastic things in the world than my life...which makes me want to become one of them...make a difference. Maybe I'll never be able to make a huge difference, but even a small one would do I think.

And moping about certainly isn't going to achieve that. :)

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