Thursday, April 14, 2005

Another totally unrealted to anything thought for you....
...I love sitting in a car when it's going through a car wash or when the windows are all completely covered in white foam. There's something so peaceful about it; all the sounds are dulled and the light is gentle, filtered through these translucent white walls.
I haven't been in an automatic carwash for years, I suppose it was when I used to get regular lifts with my parents. The car wash was always fun though, as it was almost scary. You're locked into your car, the windows are covered in foam so you can't see out, then before you see it, you hear this HUGE noise as it prepares to run its gigantic red and blue spinning washers over your windows.

Ok, maybe I was easily scared as a kid! I'm going to put it down to an overactive imagination! :-p

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