Monday, April 11, 2005

Well, I went down to Godalming over the weekend to visit a friend for his party, twas really nice to see him and his family are so lovely! The countryside I passed through on the train was also beautiful, saw England's green and pleasant lands if you will. Especially in the sunshine, England's countryside really can be stunning. I love imaginig what it would have looked like before people altered the landscape.

When not staring out the window, I also like to imagine what people would have looked like a 100 years ago. As in, look at the people around me on the train, and imagine what they would have looked like in victorian clothes and hairstyles, what job they might have had instead of a suited up office worker. It's also cool to imagine even further back, to medeival or even roman times. I also try and match what they would have been wearing to their country/continent of origin (if i can guess), like imagine Indian people dressed up in Indian stuff from history.

Yes I'm quite sad I know, but it passes the time when you're taking an 4/5 hour train journey! :)

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